you ever noticed that when we ask a friend about how they are doing, the
response we receive is in the context of how busy they are? I have been especially guilt of this in the
past. At times, when I get, “how’s it
going, Jeff?” the response I have often given is simply “Busy.”
kind of answer seems pretty frequent these days. We are more connected than we ever have
been. There are more things to do and
more things to distract us than ever before.
And we are busy. The fact is,
Americans lead the world in hours worked annually. I remember a conversation a few years back
with some of my family members in Canada.
They asked me how many hours a week I worked. After hearing my answer, they remarked that
their denomination had done a study which found that the average pastor in the
denomination worked about 35 hours a week.
I remember sitting there thinking, “That sounds like bliss.”
I have a problem with busyness and saying no and taking on too much. Maybe you do too. That is why, when I heard one of my favorite
authors, Kevin DeYoung had written a book on busyness, I made sure I picked up
a copy. Ironically, I was too busy to
read the book until recently and actually read most of it on vacation. I suspect I might be the only person in the
world to read a book on busyness when I should be relaxing.

begins by exposing 3 dangers of being too busy.
Busyness can ruin our joy. Joy
should be a characteristic of one who is being transformed by the gospel, a
fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit. But
being too busy can mean a lack of joy.
Busyness can rob our hearts. The
cares of the world, the worries of life can quickly swallow up our desire for
better things. Busyness can also cover
up the rot in our souls. Busyness can
make us physically and spiritually sick – it can bring discouragement,
discontent, strained relationships and physical exhaustion.
contains 7 diagnoses against busyness.
Again, these are not lectures, but 7 areas where we need to do some
difficult and painful soul searching. I
won’t summarize all of them, but rather the 3 that hit me personally.
busyness is often about pride. There is
a certain pride involved when we tell people we are busy. There is a ‘look at me’ type spirit that
wants people to see all that we are accomplishing. Pleasing people, receiving affirmation,
having our performance noted and praised and proving ourselves capable all play
into this. Sometimes being busy is all about
making trying to make myself look good.
sometimes we are busy doing what God does not expect us to do. Sometimes our busyness is a guilt response to
a feeling that we are not doing enough.
But the fact is, we are not Jesus, and even if we were, we can clearly
see in the Bible that even Jesus did not do everything. He did not heal everyone, for example. (John 5:1-17 – Jesus healed one man out of
many) The fact is, the gospel is meant
to be good news that frees us, rather than something that adds extra burdens to
our lives.
sometimes we are busy because we are letting the screen strangle our
souls. While DeYoung could have addressed
TV here, he focuses on social media. Sometimes
we are busy because we have to be connected, and that connection – on Facebook,
Instagram, Pinterest, through blogs, even just surfing for new things to read –
drags us away from what we should be doing.
The fact is, if a person is not careful, our connected world can fill
our lives to such an extent that we not longer have time for God and are unable
to hear his still, small voice speak to our souls.
the reader can take or leave any of DeYoung’s diagnoses, he ends the book with
one thing every busy person must do. We
must, even in the midst of all the demands and distractions, take the time to
sit at Jesus’ feet. Like Mary in the
gospels, we must daily put aside everything else to spend time with the lover
of our souls, the one who can bring order out of the disorder that is all too
often our busy life.