How do we make disciples?
Of course, ultimately it is God who makes disciples, but what role do we
play in that process as a church? What
does that role look like and how can we participate in what God is doing more

But out of all the good stuff I heard, there was one
statement he made that immediately connected with me. I pulled out my phone, opened my task program
and typed it in so I would not forget.
(I hope Dr. Campolo did not think I was texting someone….)
The statement was made in the context of a discussion about
making disciples. Dr. Campolo suggested
that a primary way of making disciples in churches today was didactic. We have discipleship classes. We hold catechism classes and membership
classes. We do one on one
mentoring. And for some, this is a very
effective way of making disciples. The
challenge of course, is moving all that head knowledge – which can be
substantial – into a heart knowledge that is lived out in daily life.
Dr. Campolo then mentioned a second method of training
disciples, and he illustrated it with a story.
A few years back, while speaking in England, he was approached by two
young men who were doing doctrinal theses on American cities. After hearing about Dr. Campolo and his
ministry work in the inner city, they asked if they could join his ministry for
the summer as “missionaries.” They added
to their request with this bit of information – that before he said yes, Dr.
Campolo should know that they were both agnostic. Could they still come and work with his
Dr. Campolo enthusiastically invited them, but with one
condition. If they were going to be
missionaries, they would have to participate fully in the spiritual life of the
ministry. They were expected to attend
and contribute to morning Bible Study.
They were expected to attend worship services. They were expected to do everything that was
expected of any other missionary in the organization, despite the fact that
they were agnostics.
And that is just what they did. And you probably know the end of the story –
before the summer was over both of them had received Christ as their Savior and
Lord and both are now serving the Lord as Anglican clergymen in England.
The story was meant to illustrate Dr. Campolo’s second
method of making disciples – becoming disciples by doing the work of a
disciple. That is the phrase that
connected with me. Not because the idea
was necessarily new, but rather the way he crystallized it really got me
thinking. As a church, we need to be
intentional about training disciples.
And one effective way of doing that is placing believers, especially
spiritually young believers, in environments and circumstances where they are
expected to act like disciples.
What does that look like?
Well, for our church, the first examples I thought of were encouraging
believers to serve with AWANA or on our Mexico Missions team or at camp in the
summer. Each of those opportunities places
them in an environment where they are confronted with the word of God, where
they are serving alongside mature believers and where they are expected to do
the work of a disciple. Dr. Campolo’s
words got me thinking about other places and opportunities where we can be
intentional about training disciples this way.
Does this mean the teaching part of making disciples should
be thrown out? Not at all. In fact, I cannot think of a better combo for
training disciples – being taught and mentored by a mature believer while
placing them in an environment where they are expected to do the work of a
disciple as well.
Is this a new and revolutionary idea? Nope.
But God has a wonderful way of taking ideas we have heard before and
repackaging them in a way that suddenly connects for us. In this case, it is to be intentional not
only in teaching disciples, but encouraging them to participate in
opportunities where they will be expected to do the work of a disciple as well.
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