In the spirit of full disclosure, while I do not know Lee
Pollock, I was given this book by Lee’s friend and editor Joy Kear. Joy and her husband Chuck serve faithfully
and well as associate pastor couple at Lolo Community Church.

The book is self-published through Xulon Press. At times the writing suffers some, being
disjointed or uneven at times. That
aside, there is a wonderful, encouraging message in this book that enables us
to look beyond some shortcomings in writing style to see the amazing way God
works in our lives.
Lee Pollock ran a hardware store in Hysham, MT, pastored in
the Wesleyan Church and is presently retired in Oklahoma. Over the years, he has collected a variety of
stories of how God demonstrated the fact that He is not fair, but rather more
than fair. Many of these 19 stories
happen in Montana, with some taking place in the Dakotas or Oklahoma. In each story, Lee seeks to demonstrate the
truth that while from a human perspective, it would seem that God was not fair,
when we open our eyes to God’s perspective and take account of His grace, mercy
and provision, we recognize that He is more than fair.
At first glance, the stories vary greatly. Some are about people experiencing personal
or family tragedy. Others are about
people going through trials with their health.
Some are set in a ministry or missions context. For someone like me, who is a missionary with
the Rocky Mountain Bible Mission (RMBM), it was encouraging to read again the story of
the Miller family who formally served at RMBM's Camp Elohim.
In story after story, God’s grace, His power and His
provision are on display. Some of these
stories will stretch your view of God, especially if we are tempted to put God
in a box and define what God can or cannot do in our world. Not all the stories have a happy ending, but
all of them are demonstrations of the goodness of God.
Lee does a good job carrying his theme – that God is more
than fair – throughout the book. There
were a few chapters where I felt that theme was a bit hard to see, but those
were rare. For me, the theme that resonated
the most powerfully was the idea that faith builds faith. That is the value of a collection of stories
like this. They are stories about
ordinary people through whom or in whom God did extraordinary things. These people are not perfect saints – they have
struggles, they have doubts, trusting may come hard to some of them – but God
is faithful and He responds to the fact that they have sought Him. And stories like that are an encouragement to
me. They build my faith. They are a reminder that God is always at
work, and even when He allows difficult times in our life, He is there to carry
us through those difficult times if we allow Him. So next time you wonder if God is being fair
to you, seek His face, trust His Word, cling to His promises. And as this collection of stories shows, when
we do that, we will see that God is not fair, but rather He is more than fair
in our lives.
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