I have heard it many times.
In fact, much to my embarrassment, I have even said it. The statement goes something like this: “Not every pastor will be successful. Sometimes we are called just to be faithful
where God has placed us.” A statement
like this assumes that there is a dichotomy between a successful pastor and a
faithful pastor, and that being faithful is at times the antithesis of being
There is great comfort to thinking this way. For most of my time in the pastorate, I
pastored small (under 75 people) churches.
Both those churches were located in small towns (250 and 600 people
respectively). Many years there would be
little positive change in the number of people attending the church. A pastor in rural ministry realizes that
their church is not likely to turn into a mega-church any time in the near
future. As a result, we begin to
condition ourselves to think that success is not what we were called into the
pastorate for. Rather, we think, it is
much more important to be faithful than to be successful as a pastor.
In some cases, thinking this way causes us to be become lazy
in our responsibilities. When we do not
anticipate success, we spend less time in the word of God and less time in
prayer. We slap together a lesson rather
than prayerfully seeking God for insight, guidance and understanding. Sometimes we even take a measure of pride in
our faithfulness, and in some twisted way, look down our noses at more
successful pastors, thinking to ourselves, “they might be successful, but we
are the faithful ones.” We assume, in
some cases, that they are successful because they have compromised the message
of the cross, and in our false humility, we assume that we are not successful
because we have held firm to the message of the cross.

There are a lot of things in that verse – the idea of
sovereign appointment and the centrality of prayer – but I want to highlight
one particular thing that hit me. Here
it is: Jesus appoints people for
ministry and then sends them out with an expectation of success. We are appointed to go and bear fruit, fruit
that abides or lasts. We are ordained to
fruitfulness. The path of a pastor may
be hard at times, but it is not futile.
It is not meant to be empty of success.
The question I need to ask myself is this: do I expect something to happen when I
preach? Do I expect the gospel message
to transform the lives and hearts of those listening to me? Jesus says I should. We don’t always know when or how success will
happen, or what fruit will look like, but Jesus does say that those appointed
to ministry should be both faithful AND successful.

So the question I need to ask myself as I prepare a message,
plan a Bible Study, lead a Sunday School class, or sit down with AWANA kids is
this: do I expect something to happen
when I help someone encounter God’s Word?
I should, because God, through His gospel, is in the transformation
business. He has called me to go and
bear fruit that lasts. He has called me
to His ministry, and He has called me, in His power, to be both faithful and
Great word, Jeff. Thanks for the encouragement.