other day, while reading Andy Farmer’s wonderful book, Real Peace: What we
Long for and Where to Find It, I read his chapter on peace in the midst of
conflict. The book’s premise is that
real peace – shalom in the Hebrew –
is found only in relationship with God, and of course, in Christ. Shalom
as the ancient Hebrews defined it, is a state of being, a state in which order,
security, relational harmony, well-being and wholeness rules our life. There is not anyone in the world who would
not want such peace.

3:1-17 is the focus of the chapter.
Colossians is a book written to Christians who were struggling against
false teaching. Paul begins by
expressing confidence in the work of the gospel in their lives (Col. 1:6) and
confidently declares that peace with God comes through the reconciling work of
Christ (Col. 1:19-20). He then addresses
false teaching in light of that very gospel (Col. 2).
apostle moves on and in chapter 3 gives instructions to the believers on how
the gospel of Christ should be lived out.
He begins with some powerful words in Col. 3:1-4:
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above not on things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears then you also will appear with him in glory. (ESV)
these verses, to set the stage for his discussion abut the gospel lived out in
community, Paul reminds believers of their spiritual state. Who are we?
We are people who have been raised with Christ. We are united with him in new life. We have died to our old life. Our new life in Christ is hidden with Christ
in God. Christ is our life, and one day,
He will present us holy and blameless before God in glory.
light of those truths, the mindset of believers is not focused on earthly
things, but rather the things that are above, the things that belong to the
realm of Christ. That is our highest
aspiration as a Christian – to live our lives with our minds set on the things
that glorify and reflect Christ. But as
we will see, earthly things are all too prevalent in our lives. Earthly attitudes are the reason we have
conflict. They are expressions of our
selfish cravings, as we will see in the verses to come.
we get there, I encourage you to take the time of reflect on what it means to
set our minds on the things of Christ, the things that are heavenly. Think of the conflicts in your life. What would happen in those conflicts if we
had set our minds on the things of Christ?
Would they have begun? Would they
persist today? How could they be
resolved? These are the questions we
will pursue in future posts.
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