I think we can all relate to the power of sin. We can relate to the struggle against sinful
habits. We have experienced the
discouragement and frustration that comes when we fall into temptation and sin.
Perhaps that sin has become so habitual, so ingrained, that we don’t even see
it as a sin anymore. Maybe we excuse
ourselves away with statement like these: “I just don’t suffer fools.” “I have a temper, that’s who I am.” “I always speak my mind.” And in stating these self-identifications, we
do not recognize the carnage that sin is causing in our lives and the lives of
those around us.
Situations like that are difficult ones. Persistent sin is discouraging and it is damaging. We know we should not live like this. And yet telling ourselves to do better, to do
things differently, to do more things like praying and reading the Bible, is often
not sufficient. When we come face to face with sin, the question we want to ask
is this: what will it take to bring true
change at the core of our being? What
will it take to bring heart change? You
see, that is the kind of change that is necessary – not just new habits or new
actions, but a transformation that happens at the center of who we are.
In looking for that transformation, perhaps we should ask
ourselves another question: why do we
sin? There are many potential answers to
that question. We can defend ourselves
and justify ourselves with our answers.
But the question really only has one true answer. Why do we sin? Because we love the sin more than the
Savior. The sin is greater in our
affections than Jesus is. We prefer the
self-righteous adrenaline of anger over a spirit of forgiveness. We prefer to think of ourselves than consider
others ahead of ourselves. We love the
satisfaction we get when we put someone else in their place more than the joy
that is found in being gracious to others.
Our sin is the result of what our hearts love most, and practically
speaking it is often not the One who died for us.

All too often we are guilty of reversing that order. We put a lot of emphasis on doing over
knowing. Doing can be a good thing, but
truthfully, we cannot really do until we know.
There is no real foundation to our action if we do not know first what
Jesus has done for us.
If you are like me, your typical response to sin in your
life goes something like this: I
sin. I feel convicted. I confess that sin to the Lord. And then I pledge to try harder, to do more,
to be more committed, etc. What would
happen if we changed that response? What
would happen if, after we confessed that sin to the Lord, instead of doing, we
concentrated on knowing? What would
happen if we focused our efforts on preaching the gospel to our hearts rather
than trying to do better? What would
happen if we targeted our affections rather than our habits?
The most powerful spiritual weapon a believer has in his
arsenal is the truth of the gospel of Christ, the mercy of God as revealed in
Jesus. What place do the truths of the
gospel have in our hearts? In light of
the gospel, what do we know about
God and about us? Let’s be faithful in
preaching the gospel to our own hearts.
Meditate on God’s eternal love for you.
On Christ’s humble birth. On his
perfect, sinless life. On his selfless,
substitutionary sacrifice. On his
victorious resurrection. On his present
and coming glory. Meditate on the
blessings found in the gospel.
Redemption and forgiveness.
Reconciliation and adoption.
Righteousness both now and for eternity.
The gospel is the message that transforms our hearts. The truth of God’s love displayed in Jesus
Christ is the only thing that can truly change our affections. If we want to have victory over sin, it
starts with loving Jesus more that we love our sin. And that can only come when we invite the
truths of the gospel to invade and transform our hearts.
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