That said, a few days ago I finished Jared C. Wilson’s The
Wonder Working God: Seeing the Glory of
Jesus in His Miracles. While
Wilson’s perspective on Jesus is not necessarily completely unique, I would not
chalk this book up as “just another book about Jesus.” Focusing on a number of his miracles, Wilson
digs deep into each situation with a purpose to reveal how the glory of Jesus
is revealed in the event.
There are various miracles portrayed in the book. Jesus turning water into wine. Jesus feeding the 5000. Jesus calming the storm. Jesus casting out demons. Jesus healing the sick and giving sight to
the blind. Jesus raising Lazarus from
the dead and others. Each tale is told
with heavy reliance on the Bible’s words, yet also with a dose of humor and
Now, I can hear you saying – “but Jeff, there are a lot of
books out there about Jesus’ miracles.
What makes this one special?” The
thing that is especially good about Wilson’s book is his effort to define what
the miracles mean, and more specifically what they say or reveal about Jesus. For example, when Jesus turned water into
wine, what did that say about His identity, His power, His purpose and His
glory? This is the type of question
Wilson seeks to answer in his book. In
doing so, he gets beyond the miracles to deeper theological truths regarding
Jesus as Creator and Savior. He wants us
to see the Jesus who is our provider and the one who gives us life in Him. He sets out to reveal the glory of Jesus as
it was and is displayed in His earthly miracles.
Is The Wonder Working God the last word on
Jesus? Nope, not in any way. Wilson himself does not think so, especially
since he has a companion volume entitled The Storytelling God: Seeing the Glory of Jesus in His Parables. (I hope to get into this book in 2015.) Wilson’s book may not be the last word, but
it is a good word. It is a kingdom
oriented word. It is a word that will
draw those who read it to glorify Jesus in an increasing measure. And that, I believe, is what Jared Wilson is
after. So, if you want to know your
Savior better, especially as He is portrayed in His miracles, read this book.
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