This is the second of three blog articles about the best
books I read in 2019. This list is about
the ministry-related books I read, which span from church history to theology
to analysis on current cultural trends.

Gospel Eldership:
Equipping a New Generation of Servant Leaders by Robert H.
Thune. This short book will likely
become a wonderful tool in developing and training elders. It has some great homework at the end of each
chapter. It is so good it might replace
my usual go-to book – They Smell Like Sheep.

Sacred Marriage: What is God designed Marriage to Make us
Holy more than to Make us Happy? by Gary Thomas. This is an older book, and some of the
examples are dated, but the truths are timeless. Thomas tackles many of the usual topics of a
marriage book, but delves deeper than most.
He also addresses topics that most books of marriage do not cover in a
thought provoking way.
Tier Reads – still very good and recommended.
Letters to the
Church by Francis Chan
Grace: The Heart Chemistry that Frees
from Sin and Fuels the Christian Life by Bryan Chapell
2000 Years of
Christ’s Power, Renaissance and Reformation, vol. 3 by Nick Needham
A Shelter in
the Time of Storm: Meditations on God and Trouble by Paul Tripp
Handbook of
Church Discipline: A Right and Privilege
of Every Church Member by Jay Adams
Psalms by the
Day: A New Devotional Translation by
Alec Motyer
Give them
Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love
of Jesus by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson
Discipline: How the Church Protects the
Name of Jesus by Jonathan Leeman
Through Philippians by Tara Barndt
Overboard: The Story of Jonah by
Sinclair B. Ferguson
The Prodigal
Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God’s
Mercy by Timothy Keller
Ecclesiastes by
Douglas Sean O’Donnell
Ecclesiastes by
Craig G. Bartholomew
Ecclesiastes: Why Everything Matters by Philip Ryken
A Life Well
Lived: A Study of the Book of
Ecclesiastes by Tommy Nelson
Living Life
Backward: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to
Live in Light of the End by David Gibson
God’s Glory
Alone: The Majestic Heart of Christian
Faith and Life by David Vandrunen
at the Crossroads: How the Second
Century Shaped the Future of the Church by Michael J. Kruger
Uncomfortable: The Awkward and Essential Challenge of
Christian Community by Brett McCracken
The Church in
Babylon: Heeding the Call to be a Light
in the Darkness by Erwin Lutzer
How Does
Sanctification Work? by David Powlison
Isaiah by the
Day: A New Devotional Translations
by Alec Motyer
All That’s
Good: Recovering the Lost Art of
Discernment by Hannah Anderson
Tier Reads – disappointing in some ways
Female Leaders: Navigate the Minefields
and Release the Potential of Women in Your Church by Kadi Cole
The Book of
Ecclesiastes by Tremper Longman III
Eden: The Gospel according to
Ecclesiastes by Zach Eswine
Why Everything
Matters: The Gospel in Ecclesiastes
by Philip Ryken
Uggh!! I am amazed I finished it
Tyndale: The Man Who gave God an English Voice by
David Teems
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